From the creator of Blossom.

I started creating stroke rehabilitation tools for my uncle in high school, who was immobile on his left side. I continued doing so for my father during college after being a caretaker for my loved ones. I realized there was little progression for low tech options that would be accessable for everyday use;. I noticed that while working with my uncle using the peg-in-board practices, the therapy method was visually very lackluster, with no creative stimulation. The tool felt very function-forward, and I often had to motivate my uncle to try or use it. 

I have examined that visual stimulation is also an important motivator for rehabilitation tools when working with patients with similar mobility issues after a stroke. This experiance inspired me to create a tool that would make the patient want to play with it and enjoy the outcomes of what they practiced. I looked into many ways to introduce play into rehabilitation. I drew inspiration from Ikebana, a flower arrangement art that uses motions similar to the peg-in-board for rehabilitation. Giving someone a play to be creative and an element of control is an excellent motivator for rehabilitation.